Chandigarh Lok Sabha Constituency 2014 Result

Kiran Kher (BJP) vs. Gul Panag (AAP) vs. Pawan Kumar Bansal (Congress)

Result Waited - Vote Counting is on 16th-May 2014.


  1. For sure win for Gul Panag

  2. Your vote to Gul Pang is going to bring a change. Your vote is a the first droplet in Gangotri which ultimately would make to win 543 MPs in favour of Kejriwal, Let us do miracle, let us join together and send Kejriwal with full majority this time. It will be the best investment. Try to feel and see the change in your life time only. It is not a a Kumbh da Mela that it will come after 12 years, we can call him back if he does not perform well as he promises that he will pass bill of right of call to back. Rest of leaders BJP, Congress, SP, BSP and others are already tested. You have given power to them earlier too and their performances are tested in past. I would say appeal to all people around you, and see good results. thanks
